Status update, October 2022

Here is a quick rundown of what happened last month. I already wrote about scd2html and using Hare to poke around in an initramfs.

In other Hare news, I started hare-netlink - native Hare access to the Linux netlink API, which allows programmatic network and routing configuration. More specifically, the project is for now focused on the rtnetlink part, but others might well be included in the future.

It has even less documentation then the official C implementation ;) - but there is a little example program that demonstrates the currently implemented use cases. It tries to stick to the original constant naming, so if you know how to do it in C you should have no trouble doing it in Hare. Except maybe that some constants you need are not included yet. Patches welcome!

If you are interested in Hare, you might also be interested in this community-maintained list of Hare libraries, I only found out about it recently:

This is all for now, I hope to keep up writing more posts throughout the month. As always, any feedback is welcome in my public inbox!