Status update, August 2022

So there it is, the first status update that I failed to publish on the 15th… ☺

It will also be a short one, as I was on vacation for the better part of last month. A lot of time was spend on dealing with hardware vendors. Unfortunately, the world’s supply chain problem are not making an exception for us, so this turned out much more cumbersome than I hoped it would be. It currently looks like we’ve found what we needed, though - pending some final confirmation. If this all works out, delivery time will be weeks rather than months, so fingers crossed.

In meta news, I finally fixed that my RSS feed was lacking the actual content. This was unintentional and due to the fact that it was (accidentally) rendered by a different markdown renderer, which I had removed from the build images. Thanks to Umar for nudging me on this!

In coding news for this month: all my PRs to the rust-imap library have been merged. The slight catch is that due to my vacation, one of them did not make it into the 3.0.0-alpha.8 release, but it will be in the next release. With this, the 3.0.0 release will contain all the features needed for efficient IMAP synchronization.

After much tinkering in private I have also already pushed a new version of vomit-sync that makes use of these features and also supports syncing in all directions - push, pull, or two-way. I cannot yet publish a new version of the crate, as that will require the next release of the rust-imap crate. But with this, vomit-sync is well on its way to become a real alternative to mbsync et al.

This is all the major stuff I have for this time around. Much more again next month, and as always feel free to reach out to me, either via my public inbox, or ping bitfehler on Libera Chat.